Lopende projecten
A. Gussenhoven (Audiologie)
Vocational rehabilitation for employees with hearing impairment: a cost-effectiveness study
R.A. Kraaijeveld
Implementation of the Participatory Approach to optimize supervisor support for employees at risk for sick leave.
M. Dikkers
Problem analysis for the development of an implementation strategy to improve the primary care management of patients with neck pain.
E. Bakker
Sterk gestart in de Zorg - resilient nursing study
A. Bosma
Self-management and empowerment for chronically ill workers
S. Bouwhuis
Reasons for multiple job holding and its association with sustainable employability
E. Bouwsma
IkHerstel: The cost-effectiveness of a transmural perioperative care program for gynaecology
I. de Putter (Nivel)
Work, health, retirement and chronic disease
C. den Bakker
IkHerstel - ondersteuning van perioperatieve zorg door middel van eHealth
E. van der Meij
IkHerstel - substitutie van perioperatieve zorg door eHealth
B. Havermans
STRESS PREVENTION@WORK: Organizational stress prevention. Needs, Determinants, Implementation and Evaluation.
I. Louwerse
Bevorderen doelmatigheid WIA-herbeoordelingen
T. Juurlink (GGZ InGeest)
Individual placement and support (IPS) bij persoonlijkheidsstoornissen
P. Pienaar (University of Capetown; Kaapstad)
Non-communicable disease (NCD) risk profiles of organizational leaders in South Africa: optimizing sleep behaviour to reduce work-related fatigue and improve modifiable NCD risk factor prevalence in the workplace
L. Renaud
Reducing sedentary behavior among office workers
M. Scharn
To participate in society or not, that's the question
R. Sewdas
Health and work around retirement
A. Suman
Rugactief: Cost-effectiveness of a cluster RCT multifaceted and multidisciplinary implementation strategy for the Dutch integrated care guideline for non-specific low back pain
M. Vukadin
IPS - Evaluatie van een implementatiestrategie voor Individual Placement and Support voor mensen met ernstige psychiatrische aandoeningen
K. Weerdesteijn
FORWARD - De relatie van aanhoudende gezondheidsklachten en terugkeer naar werk na langdurig verzuim: Welke factoren zijn van belang voor de verzekeringsgeneeskundige beoordeling
M. Geukes (Gynaecologie)
Overgangsklachten en werkvermogen