Superb supervision - mentoring your PhD candidate towards responsible conduct of research

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As an experienced researcher you need to deal with a large variety of responsibilities, one of these is your role as a supervisor of PhD candidates. Would you like to improve your guidance and unlock the full potential of young researchers? Do you encounter challenges in supervision that you would like to discuss with peers? In this course you will learn how to optimize your supervisory skills.

To support researchers with responsible supervision, we developed a training that combines personal development and communication skills with practical tools contributing to conducting research in a competent and conscientious way. We integrate key soft skills for supervisors such as listening, giving feedback and coaching with critical understanding of research integrity dilemmas. We highlight tools that enable responsible conduct of research with the recurring question: How will this help your PhD candidate become a responsible researcher? Also, we zoom in on how you can become a responsible role model for PhD candidates.

Quotes from participants:

“An excellent course for reflecting on the aspects of mentoring that are essential” “Modern, up-to-date supervision. You will learn things you were not aware of before!”
“PhD students deserve it that their supervisor follows this training!”
“I fully recommend this course for every supervisor”

For an interview about the program in Dutch click here.

For price see: Practical.

Day 1:

- Research integrity & research misbehaviour
- Creating a safe work environment
- Managing expectations
- True Listening
- Giving effective Feedback
- Coaching Essentials
- Fly on the wall exercise for intervision

Day 2:

- A responsible working climate for Open Science
- Solving authorship queries
- Role plays with actors

Day 3:

- Personal pitfalls, drivers from the past
- Recognize and dealing with stress
- The Imposter Syndrome
- PhD, what’s next?
- Learning from role models
- Becoming your own role model

Target audience

All supervisors of PhD candidates (postdoctoral researchers, assistant professors).


Three days


Module 1: Thursday 10th of October, 09.00-17.00 uur
Module 2: Thursday 14th of November, 09.00-17.00 uur
Module 3: Tuesday 17th of December, 09.00-17.00 uur

NB. Registering for this course implies attending all three modules.

Price 2024

€ 1.273 for employees Amsterdam UMC. Are you employee Amsterdam UMC and working at location AMC?
Sign yourself up by clicking on the button ‘geen medewerker VUmc’. Choose by payment ‘stuur mijn werkgever een factuur voor de kosten van de training’. The amount will be settled directly on the digital invoice.

€ 1.605 for external participants.


VU Campus
NB. If this course cannot take place on the VU campus due to COVID regulations, the course will take place online.


This course is ABAN-accredited for medical doctors (18 points).


This course is conducted by an experienced trainer from Mennen Training and Consultancy. In addition, Dr. Joeri Tijdink joins parts of the Modules as a co-trainer, sharing his knowledge and experience with regard to research integrity.

Registration procedure

You can use the registration button to show your interest in this course. Based on a short questionnaire, we evaluate whether your profile will suite the course.


This course is offered in Dutch or English, depending on the participants.

General terms and conditions

When you register for this course, you agree with the general terms and conditions of VUmc Academie. Please take note of our cancellation policy.

More information? Ask

Christien van Santen