Research Projects
Our Research Projects
In this project, we gather pressing questions among the general public about death and dying, and create short animated videos in which we answer these questions. These videos will be widely shared.
Beïnvloedbare risicofactoren voor dementie.
The goal of the I-RECOVER study is to improve care in patients with chronic dizziness by implementing Vertigo Training, an online version of vestibular rehabilitation, nationwide.
The VERDI study is a Dutch diagnostic accuracy study to assess the discriminative ability of history taking and physical examination with respect to vertigo in general practice. We aim to construct diagnostic decision rules for the five most prevalent vertigo related diagnoses.
A collaborative and participative research project to explore and redesign a lifelong learning ecology to support present and future GPs in developing an entrepreneurial mindset.
Postgraduate medical training programs largely consist of workplace-based learning. The importance of an adequate patient mix for optimal learning in the workplace is recognized by several national and international accreditation standards. Previous studies, including our own, have revealed areas of low exposure in the patient mix of GP trainees. Why, how and what can be done to close these gaps are the aims of this study.
This project aims to define a new expanded professional identity for GPs and investigate factors that hinder or facilitate its formation. Results will help educators to support future GPs in finding a balance between their personal and professional identities.
Mixed methods project that studies how to balance graded autonomy, responsibility and patient safety in the training of GP and ECM trainees, leading to practical recommendations for graded supervision.