Courses on Research Integrity

All scientists will recognize the pressure to publish and to gain grants. This may result in the temptation to cut a few corners, or worse. Resisting that temptation is not always easy. There are also many dilemmas for which the answer is not easy to give and which raise doubts about what is the right thing to do. We will discuss these issues in our blended course.

What does it mean to do ‘good’ research and to be a ‘good’ researcher?
What does it mean to act ‘professionally’ and with ‘integrity’?
How can we approach moral dilemmas experienced in research?

This VIRT2UE PhD course for Research Integrity will explore these questions and more. The course follows a blended learning approach. PhD students undertake series of short interactive eLearning modules as preparatory assignments: 1) ‘Introduction to Research Integrity’; 2) ‘Introduction of Virtue Ethics to Research Integrity’; 3) ‘Virtue Ethics under Current Research Conditions’ 4) ‘Introduction to Responsible Supervision, Mentoring and Role-modelling’.

Over in-person sessions covering two days, PhD students are guided through a series of structured dialogical exercises for fostering reflection on scientific virtues, and how to promote understanding of the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, which is the primary guidance document on research integrity for academic institutions in Europe.

Students are also made aware of the institutional support available to them when they encounter questionable research practices.

This course is free for PhD students of Amsterdam UMC.

eLearning modules

-          Introduction to research integrity
-          Introduction of virtue ethics to research integrity
-          Virtue ethics under current circumstances
-          Introduction to Responsible Supervision, Mentoring and Role-modeling

In-person sessions
1,5 days days of online participatory learning consisting of lectures, small group work and Q&A sessions on research integrity.

Individual and group assignments

Target group

This course is appropriate for all PhD students. It is a mandatory course for students from Amsterdam UMC.

Registration Costs

The online course is free for PhD students of Amsterdam UMC
External registration is € 550,-

Dates 2023

Research Integrity group D, 2023

Day 1: Thursday September 7th - 09:30 - 17:00 hrs
Day 2: Thursday September 28th - 09.30 - 13.00 hrs

Research Integrity group E, 2023

Day 1: Monday October 2nd - 09:30 - 17:00 hrs
Day 2: Monday October 30th - 09.30 - 13.00 hrs

Research Integrity group F, 2023

Day 1: Thursday November 9th - 09:30 - 17:00 hrs
Day 2: Thursday November 30th - 09.30 - 13.00 hrs

Research Integrity group G, 2023

Day 1: Thursday November 23rd - 09:30 - 17:00 hrs
Day 2: Thursday December 14th - 09.30 - 13.00 hrs

Course coordinator

Dr. Natalie Evans, Assistant Professor, Department of Ethics, Law and Humanities


Cancellation of your registration may only be done in writing at the latest one month prior to the first day of the course. We will refund the amount due except Euro 35,- administration fee. After this date, no amount will be refunded.